Hello, Friends!
If you’ve never heard of today’s guest, Dr. Nasha Winters, get ready to receive some life-changing information! Funny, how I met Dr. Nasha. I was on this intense mission to find out how to reverse my husband’s cancer diagnosis, not caring that the prognosis was very bleak. I came across a testimonial by a woman who used mistletoe therapy as a part of her protocols to heal from stage 4 colon cancer, then started a search to find out where to get this therapy. As the Universe works it’s magic sometimes, I heard about a talk being given in San Francisco about Viscum Album Extract - which is the mistletoe. It turned out that the brilliant presenter for this presentation was Dr. Nasha Winters. Not only did I find an amazing wealth of information about the mistletoe, but also found out about an amazing track record for treating cancer with alternative therapies. Then it got even better: Dr. Nasha was just about to do a book launch about her life’s work- she was giving us the benefit of her 26 years of working with people dealing with cancer. Meeting her gave me a sense of empowerment and excitement to know that we are finding a better way to address this horrible disease, and confirmed that it is in our hands to be able to reverse the condition and even thrive!
Topics discussed in this episode:
Dr. Nasha’s story, and why she is passionate about empowering others to TEST, ASSESS and ADDRESS for their health. We have labs available to understand your biochemistry and know what steps to take to rebuild health.
Why we must focus on the 90-95% of cancers that are caused by the standard American Diet and exposure to environmental toxins. “We simply cannot shrug our shoulders when we, or our loved ones are diagnosed.”
What is cancer? It is part of us, a wound-healing process meant to protect us, but gone awry.
Why cancer is no longer a death sentence
Cancer is not just a genetic disease- it’s a metabolic disease, which can be managed by restoring metabolic flexibility.
We discuss the ten hallmarks of cancer
Why doctors are doing harm when they tell cancer patients to reverse their drastic weight loss be eating as much as possible, or to drink Boost or Ensure.
Ketogenic diet versus a vegan/ Gerson Therapy. Which is the right way to eat when you have cancer? Why do some do well (initially) on something like the Gerson therapy?
How Dr. Nasha’s book, A Metabolic Approach to Cancer was meant to be read and applied to help people heal from cancer.
Mental and emotional wellbeing: Cultivating the most powerful medicine of all
Personality C- personality traits that tend to lead to cancer
We have to rethink the approach we have taken for many decades of “fighting” “battling” and killing cancer, becausewe are fighting ourselves
Dr. Nasha's consulting company:
Jess Higgins Kelly's website:
Dr Nasha's book:
A Metabolic Approach to Cancer
Book Recommendations:
The Best Last Cure
Cancer as A Turning Point
Please also join Dr Nasha's Facebook page:
A Metabolic Approach to Cancer to keep up with upcoming events and talks
Also, Facebook for Dr Nasha's consulting company: Optimal Terrain Consulting, and
Jess Higgins Kelly, MNT's Facebook page: Nutrition Remission
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